Thursday, July 16, 2015

I'm a Dirty Dirty Feminist.

Today I wrote the proposal for my summer research paper, and thats not a big deal right? Well as I'm writing it my friend sends me a text about his new girlfriend, and how shes perfect because he woke up and she was cleaning in her underwear. My friend also believes that the gender pay gap is because women don't work as hard. My research topic was the effects of gender barriers on young women. Ironic right? For a long time i thought my friend had a narrow view of the world, but as it turned out i had a narrow view on the world. I didn't understand that his view was shared by many not just him. When you search feminism on YouTube the auto complete goes as followed; feminism; is bullshit, lol, ruined my generation. I just couldn't grasp that equal rights for women and men ruined a generation? How does that make sense?
So lets see why feminism has ruined a generation. 
Feminist hate men, right? No feminist do not hate men we do not want to enslave men or oppress them. Feminists just don't want to be oppressed anymore. As a feminist i can tell you that i have never once wanted to put someone down just because of their gender, but i have been put down because of my gender many times. 
Women are not oppressed. Okay so the biggest example of this is the wage gap, but let me get into that last. Oppression is defined as the state of being subject to unjust treatment or control. How many of you have heard or made the joke "get back to the kitchen"? That is a form of oppression, telling a woman she belongs in a kitchen to serve food. Catcalling is another example of the unjust treatment of women. When you sexualize a woman without her consent it is not a compliment and it is not okay. You are objectifying a woman based on her looks, as well as dehumanizing her. In some countries women are still sold to slavery and actually have their genitals mutilated. Yet people still insist women are not oppressed.Lastly the wage gap. Women make about 70 cents on the dollar compared to their male counterparts, if they're white. If you're a colored woman you're looking at even less.
Women don't work as hard as men.
Okay so where does this idea even come from? Maybe because women make less money? i have no idea where this comes from. Many people also like to argue that women cant focus on work like men can because of their children. Don't men have children too? Wouldn't it effect both parties?

I'm sure if you don't agree with feminism this wont change your mind, and I'm sure ill still be called a feminazi. Id like to close with that I'm a engineering student, a feminist and I don't hate men. 

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